Making an Impact
IOCS science has contributed to policy solutions and positive societal change in many ways. Below are selected examples showing our impact on a specific conservation issue, through targeted scientific projects and how they led to tangible and beneficial outcomes.

Preventing Extinction
The Issue: Protecting Endangered and Threatened Sturgeon Species
Our Science:
Tagging beluga and Atlantic sturgeon to track migratory routes
DNA barcoding to track illegal caviar served in restaurants
Conducting population analytics in the Caspian region with Kazahk collaborators
Publishing the first-ever global assessment of global sturgeon and paddlefish species
Our Impact:
Beluga sturgeon listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act
U.S. ban on most beluga sturgeon caviar imports
CITES international trade bans enacted
Consumer campaigns encourage consumption of sustainable, farm-raised sturgeon
Improved enforcement of illegal sturgeon fishing
10-year moratorium on sturgeon fishing on Romania beluga and Atlantic sturgeon to track migratory routes

Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
The Issue: Moving away from managing fish populations individually and towards recognizing the ecosystem as a whole
Our Science:
Published EBFM scientific consensus as a Policy Forum in the journal Science
Led the Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force in developing ecosystem-based management recommendations for forage fish
Published the value of forage fish to marine species and ecosystems
​Our Impact:
Shaping new conversations on integrating ecosystems into fisheries management
Influencing the ASMFC on EBFM for Atlantic menhaden
Uptake of key LFFTF recommendations by several US states and other nations
Seafood Watch adopts LFFTF guidelines for sustainability

Promoting Conservation Awareness
The Issue: Distilling and disseminating scientific concepts to influential groups and the general public for increased marine conservation awareness and stewardship.
Our Science:
​Convening high-level symposia on MPAs in Rome, Italy, and at the United Nations
Curating hands-on experiences and field trips for UN ambassadors and leading STEM educators in Shinnecock Bay
Frequent speaking engagements at public events and scientific conferences. ​
Our Impact:
​Inspiring decision-makers at the global level
Training teachers on local water quality issues for implementation into lesson plans
Educating residents, groups, and businesses on Long Island