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43 items found for ""

  • Sara Cernadas-Martin selected as recipient of 2019 Nuria Protopopescu Memorial Teaching Award

    2019 Nuria Protopopescu Memorial Teaching Award ($1000) This award is presented annually to a SoMAS graduate student based on demonstrated excellence in teaching, innovation and creativity in instructional plans and materials, and engagement with and dedication to their students. Congratulations, Sara!

  • M.S. Student, Maria Grima, chosen as the 2019 Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Founders Fund Scholar

    This merit scholarship is offered annually to a single recipient who has demonstrated excellence and outstanding dedication to environmental conservation through their studies. Maria will use this scholarship to assist her studies, and after graduation, consider employment that furthers the cause of environmental protection and riparian habitat conservation for the benefit of all. To learn more, click here.

  • Right Whales and Climate Change: Trying to Hit a Moving Target

    -by John Bohorquez, July 15, 2019 In a thought-provoking Medium article, Johnny walks us through the implications of the recent spike in right whale deaths, revealing that this is just "a preview" of the climate consequences that our oceans may face over the next century. Read the full article here.

  • John Bohorquez, Ph.D. candidate, wins 2019 Evan R. Liblit Memorial Graduate Scholarship ($4,000)

    John, who is co-advised by Ellen Pikitch and Anthony Dvarskas, blends a finance and economics background with marine science and conservation, with a particular focus on the economics and financing of marine protected areas. He uses both remote and case study-based research toward developing a replicable tool to analyze financial risk and potential alternative strategies for marine protected areas, the majority of which have insufficient funds to be effectively managed and enforced. He is also working on a project assessing marine protected areas in China and evaluating other ecosystem services such as shellfish abundance in Long Island Sound.

  • Congratulations, Dr. Sara Cernadas-Martin, on the successful defense of her dissertation

    Congratulations, Dr. Sara Cernadas-Martin, on the successful defense of her dissertation, entitled: Multidisciplinary ecological characterization of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in Shinnecock Bay, New York. Read the dissertation here.

  • Bohorquez, Dvarskas and Pikitch publish paper in Marine Policy that groups and analyzes marine areas

    Read the Marine Policy paper entitled, "Categorizing global MPAs: A cluster analysis approach" From the Abstract: Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a widely used and flexible policy tool to help preserve marine biodiversity. They range in size and governance complexity from small communally managed MPAs, to massive MPAs on the High Seas managed by multinational organizations. As of August 2018, the Atlas of Marine Protection ( had catalogued information on over 12,000 Marine Protected Areas. We analyzed this global database to determine groups of MPAs whose characteristics best distinguished the diversity of MPA attributes globally, based upon our comprehensive sample. Read the article here.

  • Filling the Data Gap – A Pressing Need for Advancing MPA Sustainable Finance

    -by John Bohorquez, Anthony Dvarskas, and Ellen Pikitch Read the full article in Frontiers in Marine Science here:

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